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"Sleep on Now, and Take Your Rest..."

“What, could ye not watch with me one hour?”

The words were spoken by the Savior in what James E. Talmage called “the hour of His deepest humiliation.[1]” Peter, James, and John had accompanied the Savior into the garden of Gethsemane. He had instructed them to watch with him. Yet, as he went and prayed and suffered, all three of them eventually fell asleep. The words feel almost like a stinging rebuke. Here the Savior of the world was suffering under the weight of a world of sin, and his closest friends and disciples couldn’t even stay awake to watch.

Someone in my Relief Society made reference to this scripture during the lesson on Sunday. In a touching way that rang true for probably everyone, she mentioned an experience when she struggled with listening in church, or something to that effect, and the words came to her mind, “could ye not  watch with me one hour?” It helped her realize how little she was being asked, and how much she owed the Savior more of her attention, focus, and love.

Without meaning to denigrate the power or significance of heeding that plea from the Savior, I admit that in a later conversation I had with a friend who is going through some particularly difficult challenges that make just about every task in gospel living difficult, I thought about the rest of the scriptural account in Matthew 26.

After finding the apostles asleep for the third time, and knowing that the time of betrayal was near, the Lord simply says “Sleep on now, and take your rest: behold, the hour is at hand.[2]

Over the past couple years I have been part of many discussions, or sat through many meetings and lessons, where people expressed a frustration with their inability to do all that they seem required to do. Whether it’s because of mental illnesses like depression or anxiety, whether it’s the results of tragedies in life that bring grief and sorrow, or whether we just seem overwhelmed by the complexities of everyday mortal life, I have heard people ask questions or make confessions such as “how can I motivate myself to keep going?” “I’m trying so hard, but I don’t feel anything.” “How do I get done everything that I am supposed to?” “How can I know that God loves me, when I make so many mistakes?” “Why can’t I do everything that I know I’m supposed to do? I feel so incapable.”

I have more recently thought to myself that perhaps the Creator and Savior of the world is more tender and compassionate than we sometimes give him credit. I am slowly learning to recognize a different, gentle, and tender voice that while strengthened in rebuke, can also soothe, calm, and lovingly and gently persuade. To recognize that Heavenly Father is motivated entirely by an unending love for each of us can change our perspective of our relationship and perhaps even our communication with Him.

It has occurred to me that while there are so many expectations and standards and guidelines that are necessary for us to draw closer to and become like God, it is not like He is surprised by the moments that we fall short. It is perhaps important to recognize that the scriptural affirmation that we will be judged on the thoughts and intents of our hearts was spoken with the frailties, weaknesses, and disabilities of his children in mind.

Perhaps on those days where we struggle getting out of bed in the morning, or resisting a particularly trying temptation or addiction, we should realize that God might be looking at us with firmness as well as compassion. Certainly He knows when it is best to instruct “watch with me.” He knows that His grace gives can provide us the strength to keep moving.

But perhaps, just maybe, on those days when we are overwhelmed by our failures, He simply looks at our determined heart and simply says “Sleep on now, and take your rest.” Because his suffering and sacrifice are complete. Because the atoning sacrifice was carried out. Because this was why he volunteered in the pre-mortal life. Because his “grace is sufficient for the meek.[3]” So, sleep on, tomorrow will come, and He will not abandon those who love and desire to serve him, despite the weaknesses of the flesh. It was well he said to those apostles, “The Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” 

After suffering and wholly and completely understanding and experiencing the pains, weaknesses, sickness, temptations, and sins of the world, I suppose it is His right to say at those moments when all else fails: "To this end was I born…[4]" “Behold the sufferings and death of him who did no sin.[5]” “Sleep on and take your rest.”

Nothing in the Savior’s sacrifice eliminates our personal responsibility or our need to keep going, to not give up, and to give everything that we have to listen, learn, and obey. But instead of damning ourselves by our inabilities, I hope we will look to the Savior and call upon His name and recognize with gratitude that his suffering and death was completed for our redemption. He will not fall asleep on the watch that we at times fail to keep. He will never leave us. He loves us. And because of that love, we never have to give up. We never have to walk alone.

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.[6]”  

At times, when everything we have to give is just not enough to keep moving, perhaps the Savior’s grace is enough. “Sleep on now, and take your rest: Behold, the hour is at hand.”

[1] Talmage, James E. (1915) Jesus the Christ.
[2] Matthew 26:38-45, King James Version
[3] Ether 12:26, Book of Mormon
[4] John 18:37, King James Version
[5] Doctrine and Covenants 45:2
[6] Matthew 11: 28, King James Version


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