We’ll call this more of a rambling string of only partially-coherent thought. But it’s been on my mind more and more. It seems like everybody’s out to fight against somebody somewhere. We’ve all got our own enemies in some form or another from the less-than-serious “I hate that girl who always comments in class” to the more dramatic “everyone in [insert political party or organization] is so immoral and going to ruin the world.” I’ve spoken about dichotomies before as well as stereotypes. We all hate being defined unless it’s an “us” v “them” situation where we suddenly see our friend group as the brothers on the battlefield courageously fighting against the fray of people different than us that we sometimes just don’t like and generally think are either “too cool for us” or maybe a little too awkward. I’m guilty of this. Memes don’t help with this, either. I guess that’s where this rant begins. I've recently noticed that every time someone posts something slightly a...