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New Song: Lyrics

So basically I can’t ever force myself to sit down and write music. It has to come in the moment...a sort of moment of passion where the lyrics start forming in the poetic lines of my own thoughts. Meaning I start thinking in verse. Once I get that feeling, I know the music's coming, and I dash headlong for a pen and paper, dragging my guitar behind me. This song was the result of one of those moments. The unusual and yet somewhat convenient habit I have formed is writing the actual music long before the lyrics come. I have a store of musical compositions just waiting for the magical moment when the words will melodically form in my head. So, thinking of one tune that I thought would be appropriate, I started fitting the new words to it.

Quick background: this song is about change, or embracing change. It's about learning, growing, and moving on. It's about making the most of life. It came at the end of winter semester last year, just as my roommates and I were all moving out. I realized that there were some big changes coming in my life, and I wasn't entirely sure I was going to like them. But news retrospect, I have never once regretted a change. Even the hard stuff can end up being a blessing in disguise. And if we just start looking for the good ahead of time, it saves a lot of heartache. So basically, that's what I was thinking when I wrote this song. I only just recorded it because the music was a little more difficult to nail down then I thought. Took me awhile. Check out the video of me singing it on my facebook page.

I didn't think it’d be so hard to leave it all behind,
 Life keeps changing at a rate that keeps me losing my mind.
the world keeps spinnin, life keeps driftin, and i'm needin' somethin' to hold.
can't things just stay the same, let's quit the change, im tired of moving on.

Every passing change meets my resistance; I don’t want it once again
But when the new has passed and the time has slowed, I find I love the way it is
Can’t escape the fact that change-it makes us grow, and really live
I can enjoy life to the fullest through the changes that it gives

The truth is real, I can feel it only gets better as it moves along
Looking back I‘ve no regrets cause what is different made the perfect song
If I could have seen the end from the start, I would have had no doubt
experience has taught that life’s not really lived without the change.

What makes it harder makes us stronger, love grows deeper hearts grow fonder
When the world is slipping past- take it in, make it last
Embrace the changes life is made to make us better than before
As we’re living dreams, finding faith, moving on, our hearts will soar.


If life’s a secret, let’s not leave it, hope can open all the doors
The future’s bright, there is light if we will face what lies in store

Chorus finale


  1. YOu are one talented little chicka :) PS How would you like to get married and go to Jordan next year? Hehe. One of Brad's friends (who speaks arabic and hebrew) is going next fall but his mom told him he could only go if he got married this summer and took his wife with him. I think you two might get along...hehehe ;)


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