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Showing posts from January, 2012

New Song: Lyrics

So basically I can’t ever force myself to sit down and write music. It has to come in the moment...a sort of moment of passion where the lyrics start forming in the poetic lines of my own thoughts. Meaning I start thinking in verse. Once I get that feeling, I know the music's coming, and I dash headlong for a pen and paper, dragging my guitar behind me. This song was the result of one of those moments. The unusual and yet somewhat convenient habit I have formed is writing the actual music long before the lyrics come. I have a store of musical compositions just waiting for the magical moment when the words will melodically form in my head. So, thinking of one tune that I thought would be appropriate, I started fitting the new words to it. Quick background: this song is about change, or embracing change. It's about learning, growing, and moving on. It's about making the most of life. It came at the end of winter semester last year, just as my roommates and I were all moving ...

Integrity: the missing ingredient

There was one good thing about Gingrich's response to the opening question of the GOP debate in South Carolina. In his attempt to avoid the question, he provided the answer to it. It's simple really. He has absolutely no understanding of integrity. Or why it matters. Let’s try to clear it up for him. In a recent class I took at BYU, our professor pointed to studies on the relationship between the treatment of women and  the level of corruption within governments and societies. It was a fascinating study. And while the subject may be freely and continually researched, the point here is to lay the groundwork for the casual story. Ultimately, the degradation of the family unit, specifically in the treatment of women,  leads to degradation in our governing institutions. How? Because families are unique in their ability to instill certain values within us, even at an early age. Those who dishonor marital vows ( like through adultery, pornography, ect…) demonstrate a lack of se...