“Why would I leave the God I love to come to a place like this?” I was always nervous to the teach the Plan of Salvation to investigators on the mission. I felt like there was something about it I was missing. There seemed to be too much information mashed together that I was never going to be able to explain simply, rationally, or even truthfully. I wasn’t even sure how to begin telling someone without a Christian background about the significance of Eve and Adam eating a piece of fruit. So, my investigator’s question burned a little whole in my conscious. Not only was I unsure how to answer his question, I felt like it somehow summarized everything going on in my head – my own questions and concerns. His life hadn’t been easy. Milton not only struggled with addiction, his wife had left him and took their child. From what I gleaned from his mother, it didn’t seem like any other religion or method they had tried before was able to him break his extreme alcoholism. And he was...