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Showing posts from August, 2017

Latter-day Saint Identity Crisis: Being the Same in a World of Different

The fascinating thing was that I actually felt like I didn’t fit in. Mormon-born and raised. BYU Graduate. Serving a full-time mission for the Church in Brazil. It’s not hard to find someone with the same resume in LDS circles. But there I was sitting on the bus far away in a foreign country and confessing to my companion just why I felt so worthless on the mission.    “This just isn’t me,” I said at one point. Because the truth was, I wasn’t a quiet, dignified, naturally sensitive individual. I wasn’t bubbly or particularly friendly either. I didn’t like rules and I struggled with the chain of hierarchy that held me accountable to eighteen-year-old boys who hadn’t seen a day of college and had never left home until the mission. I was independent, sometimes demanding and blunt, terrible at small talk, and felt more likely to lead an army of revolutionaries than calmly and quietly lead an investigator to the...