I don’t know a lot of people who are overly satisfied with politics these days. Or congress. Or even the President. Let’s face it, many of us voted not because we had an overwhelming love for either candidate, but because we wanted to exercise our right to express ourselves. To vote. To participate in the political process. For me, I see it as my civic duty. Still, congress has an approval rating of 14% as of today. Something seems rotten in…well, DC. Most people have heard the general rhetoric of never-ending debate. Gun Laws! No gun laws! It’s about mental illness! No it’s about education and people working together! Why couldn’t they pass the freakin’ budget plan?! What are we going to do about same sex marriage? My point is not to make a direct claim on the issues. Instead, if I may, I’d like to suggest that we take politics to a higher plane. One that is often overlooked, and even scorned. It is a question of morality. A question that I think if we ignore, will on...